If you're following a paleo based diet, or either the Portion Fix or 21 Day Fix, you know that getting in all of your protein for the day can sometimes be difficult. So, why not get in a couple servings of protein right off the bat for breakfast? These protein pancakes are the perfect way to do just that!
Now that's one tasty and healthy lunch! Pan fried Tilapia & Mediterranean orzo salad . Both are so quick and easy to make, and even better, you can make a big batch of orzo salad ahead of time and be set for a week.
Add these healthified paleo turkey meatballs to any pasta dish for an extra serving of protein for the day!
I don't know about ya'll, but I'm a sucker for breakfast foods! I could literally eat breakfast for well, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I love that breakfast foods allow you to get in carbs, good fats, protein, and veggies, all in one dish. Which is exactly what this breakfast casserole is perfect for!
Get that booty and those hamstrings working with these kneeling extended leg glue lifts.
Be sure to keep correct form by placing your hands directly below your shoulders with the inner elbows pointing forward, knees directly below the hips, and keeping your back straight.
1. Begin in a squat position, with your knees bent, thighs as parallel to the ground as possible, and back straight, keeping your arms straight at your sides.
2. Power through your legs and jump as high off of the ground as possible. Land as softly as possible, back into your original squat position. Repeat for 3 sets of 10-20 reps. Photo Credits: Natalie Rich
The extended hand-to-big-toe pose challenges your balance and flexibility. It is a great hip opener and helps you to find your center of gravity. I have found this pose to be extremely helpful in loosening up my hips, hamstrings, and calves from my running.
To come out of the pose, bend the right knee, and slowly lower the right leg to the ground, finding mountain pose. Repeat on the other side.
WELCOME!In my humble opinion, sweat and a smile are the sexiest things a person can wear. Follow me on Instagram! @fitcountrygalArchives
July 2015